Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Yesterday's hearing before the Board of County Commissioners went pretty much as expected. Martin County staff recommended that the entire application package go back to the Local Planning Agency (LPA) on a housekeeping matter.

As I understood the explanation by the Senior Assistant County Attorney for Litigation yesterday: Martin County staff is tasked with sending out the public notice to residents and the newspaper when a proposed change to zoning is in the works. The Staff made a "scriveners error" and used numbers on a drawing. Apparently this is a legal issue. They should have used a different number, presumably the correct one lodged in some other location or document.

At the LPA meeting on March 5, 2015, the 586 sq. ft number was cited in the hearing and then County Planner Deanna Freeman immediately set the record straight to reflect the 640 sq ft number. She pulled out land drawings and oriented the LPA so that there would be no confusion about the square footage that was being designated as the "postage stamp". Ten months later, this correction has just come to light as being insufficient.

In totality, the issue to the County is over 54 square feet of Sailfish Marina specifically 586 sq. ft. vs 640 sq. ft. Trivial. The issue for the residents is "bad zoning, spot zoning, illegal zoning, what the County Staff call Postage Stamp Zoning." Does 54 square feet warrant a whole new hearing back to the LPA when it seems like different numbers were in the application package?

The Senior Assistant Attorney for Litigation said that the hearing should not go forward due to the error in the public notice. The BOCC took her advice and said that the LPA must hear the application again.

On a very positive note, opponents to the cell tower at Sailfish Marina turned out in force. They definitely made their objections known to the BOCC by coming to the meeting, many spoke out against the tower, many wore red so their position against the tower was clear. Thank you all for coming out and for your continued support.

Stay Tuned.
I will post updates as they happen.

Monday, December 14, 2015


At the September 22nd meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, opponents to the proposed cell tower at Sailfish Marina were promised a hearing for a "date certain" of December 15 and that the application to "postage stamp" zone Sailfish Marina and construct a 120 foot cell tower on the site would be heard on its merits.

Well guess what? The County staff is again recommending a postponement.

Now the Staff want the application to go all the way back to the Local Planning Agency for some housekeeping issues. Nothing substantial.

Opponents to the cell tower should come to the Board of County Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, December 15 at 9 AM. The meeting will be held at the Martin County Administrative Center located at 2401 SE Monterey Road

There is lots of parking next door at the Blake Library

Shortly after the meeting is called to order each member of the Public is permitted to speak for 3 minutes. You have to fill out a form that you wish to speak and hand it in to the uniformed officer. Please let the Commissioners know you want a hearing and not another postponement. Tell them you do not want this UNSAFE tower in a residential community, at the edge of the Manatee Pocket.

The actual hearing is set for 4 PM if you wish to attend both times.

Please wear something red to identify yourself as part of the opposition.