Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Yesterday's hearing before the Board of County Commissioners went pretty much as expected. Martin County staff recommended that the entire application package go back to the Local Planning Agency (LPA) on a housekeeping matter.

As I understood the explanation by the Senior Assistant County Attorney for Litigation yesterday: Martin County staff is tasked with sending out the public notice to residents and the newspaper when a proposed change to zoning is in the works. The Staff made a "scriveners error" and used numbers on a drawing. Apparently this is a legal issue. They should have used a different number, presumably the correct one lodged in some other location or document.

At the LPA meeting on March 5, 2015, the 586 sq. ft number was cited in the hearing and then County Planner Deanna Freeman immediately set the record straight to reflect the 640 sq ft number. She pulled out land drawings and oriented the LPA so that there would be no confusion about the square footage that was being designated as the "postage stamp". Ten months later, this correction has just come to light as being insufficient.

In totality, the issue to the County is over 54 square feet of Sailfish Marina specifically 586 sq. ft. vs 640 sq. ft. Trivial. The issue for the residents is "bad zoning, spot zoning, illegal zoning, what the County Staff call Postage Stamp Zoning." Does 54 square feet warrant a whole new hearing back to the LPA when it seems like different numbers were in the application package?

The Senior Assistant Attorney for Litigation said that the hearing should not go forward due to the error in the public notice. The BOCC took her advice and said that the LPA must hear the application again.

On a very positive note, opponents to the cell tower at Sailfish Marina turned out in force. They definitely made their objections known to the BOCC by coming to the meeting, many spoke out against the tower, many wore red so their position against the tower was clear. Thank you all for coming out and for your continued support.

Stay Tuned.
I will post updates as they happen.

Monday, December 14, 2015


At the September 22nd meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, opponents to the proposed cell tower at Sailfish Marina were promised a hearing for a "date certain" of December 15 and that the application to "postage stamp" zone Sailfish Marina and construct a 120 foot cell tower on the site would be heard on its merits.

Well guess what? The County staff is again recommending a postponement.

Now the Staff want the application to go all the way back to the Local Planning Agency for some housekeeping issues. Nothing substantial.

Opponents to the cell tower should come to the Board of County Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, December 15 at 9 AM. The meeting will be held at the Martin County Administrative Center located at 2401 SE Monterey Road

There is lots of parking next door at the Blake Library

Shortly after the meeting is called to order each member of the Public is permitted to speak for 3 minutes. You have to fill out a form that you wish to speak and hand it in to the uniformed officer. Please let the Commissioners know you want a hearing and not another postponement. Tell them you do not want this UNSAFE tower in a residential community, at the edge of the Manatee Pocket.

The actual hearing is set for 4 PM if you wish to attend both times.

Please wear something red to identify yourself as part of the opposition.

Friday, November 6, 2015


We think we have giver Martin County plenty of time to resolve the issue of inadequate automatic fire suppression at Sailfish Marina.

However according to Mr. Doug Killane who was interviewed by a local resident the only progress made so far is that he as Fire Inspector has met with the owners of Sailfish Marina.

To our knowledge, the marina has not been fined for such an egregious infraction. Nor is there a schedule to fix the problem or shut down the marina.

Martin County residents need their fire protection services to serve all the population not just one business owner.

Sunday, September 27, 2015


The proposed 120 ft high cell phone tower at Sailfish Marina would be located in a Class AE floodplain, and would be about 6 feet away from a large in-out boat storage building that contains about 200 boats in racks. The electronic equipment for the tower would be located within the boat building. The boat storage building was built so long ago that the County has no records of its construction, but it was damaged during Hurricanes Jeanne, Frances, and Wilma, and one wall was substantially re-built after Wilma.  We have informed local officials that the tower is a hazard to the boat building, where the boats are required to be stored with full fuel tanks.  There is no automatic fire suppression in the building. The applicant himself stated at the Local Planning Agency hearing of March 5, 2015 that if the tower should fail, it would only hit the boat shed.

Why does the County seem to be determined to go ahead with this imprudent floodplain development by giving the tower developer zoning and planning permission, and then a construction permit?

As we understand the Local Mitigation Strategy for Martin County, the County is supposed to mitigate hazards, and is especially encouraged to mitigate them by not creating new ones.  Isn't locating a cell tower next to a boat storage building without automatic fire suppression in a hurricane evacuation zone that is also a floodplain just creating a new hazard that will become a disaster during the next hurricane that strikes this area? And better yet, the tower is not designed for flood loads, an issue that will be discussed in future posts.

Responsible governments are charged with the application of mitigation principles at all stages of a project's review.  The FEMA Flood Protection program regulations (44 CFR 59.22(8) and 44 CFR 60.1 (c) ) say that communities are required to "recognize and duly evaluate flood, mudslide (i.e., mudflow) and/or flood-related erosion hazards in all official actions in the areas having special flood, mudslide (i.e., mudflow) and/or flood-related erosion hazards " and "must take into account flood, mudslide (i.e., mudflow) and flood-related erosion hazards, to the extent that they are known, in all official actions relating to land management and use".  

Martin County staff have taken the position that these issues do not need to be evaluated until the actual building permit for the project is processed, and that they do not have to be considered during the zoning and development approval process, where the Board of County Commissioners vote.  Martin County residents should be very concerned by this practice, considering the risk that this facility presents to the residential neighborhoods that surround the proposed tower, which would be about 25 feet from the waters of the Manatee Pocket.

One casualty of such imprudent floodplain development management could be the County's participation in National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Martin County's homeowners and prospective home buyers need to be able to buy flood insurance at reasonable rates. Martin County's standing in the NFIP could be jeopardized. The NFIP will be discussed in future posts.

Thursday, September 24, 2015


Before reading this post please review the previous posts on Fire Prevention in Martin County by clicking on Part 1Part 2, and Part 3.

All of Martin County should fear a fire of catastrophic proportions generated by a 120 ft Cell Tower at Sailfish Marina.

Plans for the tower call for the hollow tower-base to be constructed a few feet away from one of the two large in-and-out dry-stack boat storage buildings at the marina. The second building is less than 50 feet away. The electronic equipment for the tower will actually be housed inside one of the storage buildings. This building is part of the tower project.

A request to the County for extant building records revealed that the County could not find or no longer has a copy of the original permit for the building. It is thought that the storage building was built about 1971. It has been damaged several times over the years by hurricanes and hail storms. Some repairs were made via building permit, some were not, so there is not a complete history of the buildings.

The buildings house some 200 boats with their engines and fuel tanks, stacked on racks that are up to 3-high. A conservative estimate would put 20,000 gals. of fuel stored on those boats.  There is no automatic fire suppression system in the buildings as required by the Florida State fire code.

Nine years ago the marina owner acknowledged that automatic fire suppression was lacking and made a written commitment to Fire Prevention Chief  Pasqualone to install the system "in the next 2-3 years". To date that has not been accomplished.

When the County performed its fire review of  the tower application, the reviewer said that only a 10 lb fire extinguisher and a Knox Box was required. When some of the intervenors met with the County reviewers for the application, they were told that this was a mistake and the fire extinguisher requirement was changed to 40 lb. Here is the intended purpose of a fire extinguisher (wiki:)

fire extinguisher is an active fire protection device used to extinguish or control small fires, often in emergency situations. It is not intended for use on an out-of-control fire, such as one which has reached the ceiling, endangers the user (i.e., no escape route, smoke, explosion hazard, etc.), or otherwise requires the expertise of a fire department. Typically, a fire extinguisher consists of a hand-held cylindrical pressure vessel containing an agent which can be discharged to extinguish a fire.

Martin County residents, do you think this is sufficient fire protection for a 120 ft. cell tower and a boat storage building housing perhaps 20,000 gals. of fuel?

Why was this application permitted to go forward when the installation of an automatic fire suppression system in the boat storage building intended to house all the electronics for the tower is an outstanding deficiency in the County's records?

Fire fighting equipment can approach the marina from both directions of St. Lucie Blvd., but a fire at the tower itself, or a fire in the electronic equipment inside the building, could only be accessed by going through the boat storage building. Boats stored on trailers and posts block access to the proposed tower site. Why was this application permitted to go forward when the only access for a fire truck to get to a fire is through the boat storage building which has no automatic fire suppression and stores 20,000 gals of fuel?

A catastrophic fire in the boat storage buildings would not only the require the evacuation of nearby residents but perhaps people enjoying Sandsprit Park. In order to exit Sandsprit Park people would be required to actually drive towards the fire to flee it!

Building this tower at this location is a risk that no one can afford to take.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


The September 22 meeting of the BOCC went pretty much as expected for the first 5 minutes. The Board approved a continuation of the Tower hearing until Nov. 24, 2015 and moved on to public comments. After intervenors objected to the postponement during the 3 minutes they were permitted to speak during the public comments, the Board reopened the discussion for a continuation. 

The applicant got the continuation until December 15, 2015. The November 24th date was quite objectionable as it is just 2 days before Thanksgiving. Only the attorneys are permitted to select dates for rescheduling the hearing. Rarely are the intervenors even notified by email that a postponement is even in the mix.

The BOCC did hear just a few of the many issues that have yet to be raised about the application and project. Those issues will be posted here on the blog every few days. They will astound you.

The County staff said that the applicant is thinking that he can abandon the long process taken so far and just ask for a building permit. The reasoning is that he would be asking for a replacement tower. There is a provision in the Florida code that says that wireless companies don't have to jump through all the hoops if they just replace one tower with another. 

This is a very reasonable law, but it is not at all clear that they can do it in this case, because (1) there is no building permit for the existing tower, (2) the tower has not been registered by the FCC, even though there has been a requirement to do so since 1996,  (3) they would have to dig up the entire foundation for the old tower to install a new one,  (4) the existing tower is owned by Mr. Bayley, while the new one would be owned by DTI, and (5) the current application for construction of the proposed tower states explicitly that neither  Mr. Bayley nor DTI owns any wireless telecommunications towers in Martin County.

Commissioner Scott is to be commended for realizing that the applicant is now trying to move the tower project to a process that would not be voted on by the BOCC and the invervenors would be denied due process. Her insistence on a date certain hearing of December 15, 2015 is very much appreciated. Thank you Commissioner Scott.

The postponement made the front page of the Stuart News today.

Monday, September 21, 2015


On the advice of the YCC lawyer, the Intervenors have written to the BOCC to object to yet another Applicant driven postponement. The response to these objections given to us by Assistant County Attorney Krista Storey was that the County staff are going to go forward with the recommendation for a postponement despite our objections. The YCC lawyer felt it was not in our best interest to have many people come to the hearing tomorrow as it will very likely be postponed. You will be needed to attend the actual hearing which may be in December. Thank you all for your comments and support. Unless you feel very strongly about the treatment we are receiving from the County and wish to state this to the BOCC about 9 AM tomorrow, enjoy your morning.

Ms. Storey is currently consulting with all the attorneys for a date to schedule the next hearing. It is looking like that will be scheduled for sometime in December.

Read the blog for an update about the hearing tomorrow.

Friday, September 11, 2015


Many supporters have expressed their outrage at the idea of another postponement to the hearing for the Postage Stamp Zoning and Construction of a Cell Tower at Sailfish Marina currently scheduled for September 22, 2015. The questions becomes "What can we do?"

Write/email to the Commissioners and tell them you want the hearing to go forward.
Write to the Newspapers, too.
Come to the September 22, 2015 meeting of the BOCC and take your allotted 3 minutes before the Commissioners to express your opinion. This would occur at about 9 AM.

To get prepared for that meeting think carefully of what points you want to make before the Board.

Write down your thoughts now.

On the Day of the hearing, you will be requested to fill out a form with a brief of what you plan to say before the Board which is given to an officer to bring forward.

Make sure you take no more than 3 minutes to make your case.

More about the process of addressing the Board will be posted.

Thank you all for such a great response.
Yes, hiring a bus to take people to the meeting is very much a possibility.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


September 22, 2015 that was our date. We thought we would finally be able to present our case to the BOCC in a logical and thoughtful manner. Then a message. We were led to believe that the County Staff were going to propose another postponement of the Postage Stamp Zoning and construction of a Cell Tower at Sailfish Marina "in order to get it right". Mr. Aycock had already agreed to the postponement.

Now we are understand that it is Mr. Aycock who is requesting the postponement. According to Martin County's own regulations he has used up his allotted postponements. So what is the problem?

Is a postponement even on the table?

A new tactic is unfolding. We are being told that maybe Mr. Aycock can build the tower without changing the zoning and without a hearing if they just replace the existing tower by getting a building permit. Is this not where we started? Why has the County changed course about requiring a zoning change and a hearing? Other cell tower proposals get to be heard. In fact just last month an existing lattice cell tower went through a mandatory rezoning (spot zoning by the way) in order for it to be replaced. What is the difference? What is going on here? We just don't understand. There are regulations and guidances for all of these procedures but we only seem to get attempts to work around them.

But it gets better. Mr. Aycock's certified Professional Engineer stated and stamped on the application to Martin County that the existing tower is 75/80 feet tall.  But fortunately for Mr. Aycock, the existing tower is really 120 feet tall. How good is that? He can build a 120 feet monopole replacement tower by just getting a building permit. I hope Mr. Aycock gets all the money he spent on those engineering studies, plans, simulated photos, and drawings back from that certified Professional Engineer who was off by 40/45 feet on the height of the tower.

And will the County be held responsible for refunding the application fees to Mr. Aycock as well? If he did not need the rezoning and construction hearing, shouldn't he be reimbursed? And reimburse him for all his lawyers?

What has changed? What information do they want to keep back from the citizens of Martin County by stopping the public hearing on September 22, 2015? What information is pending that they do not want to see televised to the entire County?

Please plan to attend the hearing whether the rezoning and cell tower is up for postponement or not. Each member of the public is permitted to speak before the BOCC for 3 minutes at the start of the meeting. Ask why you are not being given a public hearing about this matter. Express your concerns about this whole process. Whatever happened to Government in the Sunshine?

The BOCC meeting starts at 9 AM on September 22, 2015
The hearing room is on the ground floor of the
Martin County Administrative Offices which is next to Blake Library
2401 SE Monterey Road
Stuart, FL 34996

We are looking into hiring a bus to bring people to the hearing. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


We were informed that the Board of County Commissioners would hear the Postage Stamp zoning request for Sailfish Marina and the construction of a cell tower at that site on September 22, 2015. But will they?

Here is the history of the 2 application submissions and their postponements:

August 27, 2014 Mr. Aycock requested per Section 10.2.D.3, one time request for new
application, 60 days allowed

March 5, 2015 Local Planning Agency unamiously approved the 2 applications despite strong objections on the part of the Intervenors. Application moved forward to the BOCC for a hearing.

BOCC hearing was scheduled for April 7, 2015 but was postponed at the request of Mr. Aycock. It was rescheduled for May 19, 2015.

The County Staff requested a postponement of the May 19th hearing. The hearing was rescheduled for June 23, 2015.

At the request of Mr. Aycock, the June 23, 2015 was postponed. It is rescheduled for September 22, 2015.

Now the County Staff is suggesting that they will request to postpone the hearing again. This is not definite.

Why is this happening? What are they trying to do that they do not want the public to know about? We are up to 4 or 5 postponements depending on how you count the August 27, 2014 request.

Has any other cell tower request been subjected to so much opposition and received so many postponements in order to get it right?

More than 700 people have signed a petition against the cell tower. Why stop the hearing again?

Continue to let the BOCC know that you oppose postage stamp zoning and the construction of a cell tower in a residential neighborhood.

Contact the BOCC by email at:

Friday, June 19, 2015


Just how many times can this posting get repeated?

The hearing on Postage Stamp Zoning and Construction of a 120 FT Cell Tower at Sailfish Marina that was scheduled for June 23, 2014 has been postponed again.

DTI, the applicant, has requested yet another postponement. This time the request was so that they could hire more lawyers to ensure that this monstrosity of a tower wins approval from the BOCC.

Residents and people who enjoy Manatee Pocket have spoken loudly that they do not want this tower. More that 700 people have signed the petition against it. But the applicant and the County staff seem deaf to our cries.

No date for another hearing has been set. There are now so many lawyers involved it is hard to coordinate a date for the new hearing.

Stay tuned. It might be in August or September, or later, we have no idea. Certainly, at the peak of hurricane season is the best time to schedule a contentious hearing so that as little as possible opposition is heard.

However, as with all of the previous postponements, the hearing is not actually continued until the BOCC votes on the agenda on the day of the hearing. This means that once again attendance at the June 23rd meeting is necessary in case the continuance is not approved, which is unlikely.

Please let the BOCC know you oppose postage-stamp zoning and the construction of this tower in a residential neighborhood. Contact the BOCC by email at:

Friday, May 22, 2015


The recent fire at the Viesel biofuels facility in Martin County (brief report) showed the need to consider the synergistic effects of placing incompatible facilities near, next to, or within each other and within a residential neighborhood. The biofuels fire and its aftermath is still being felt. The firefighters were heroic and contained what could have been a catastrophe from spreading. They were aided by the fact that both Dixie Highway and US 1 offered fire trucks good road access to the light industrial center where the fire took place.

The biofuel facility is located in a complex where the surrounding businesses work with and store highly flammable materials, materials that produce noxious fumes. Some of these businesses are boat builders. Was this the right location for a fuels facility? Martin County is now going to consider that question.

County officials reacted quickly to the aftermath of the fire and suggested placing a temporary halt to site plans and building permits for biofuel facilities until the issues surrounding them can be studied (brief news report). The topic was on the agenda for the May 19th meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. This was the same meeting that the cell tower was to be heard. Our cell tower issue was continued until June 23rd as was the hearing on the moratorium on biofuel facilities.

The investigation into the Viesel fire concluded that it was an accident. According to an article in the TCPalm, a county official said it could cost as much as $500,000 to remove the biodiesel, water and dirt from the county's drainage system and other areas following the fire.

A cell tower with associated electrical equipment and generators is just as incompatible a facility to place immediately adjacent to and within a boat storage shed. The tower design standards say it is designed to have a 100 ft fall zone (see previous post). This tower proposal has no fall zone. Debris falling from the tower or water borne or wind borne debris at the Marina during a hurricane could cause the tower's equipment to generate a fire, a fire that could ignite scores of boats stored in the building.

However, the actual cause of this fire would not be an accident. The cause would be the fact that the County bypassed its own regulations as well as the design standards for the tower to place the tower at this location; that the County came up with a new type of zoning called "Postage Stamp" zoning to accommodate just this one tower;  that the County is determined to put the lives of thousands of residents and visitors round the Manatee Pocket at risk from explosion, fire, and noxious fumes; that the fragility of the Manatee Pocket is not a consideration if a cell tower and boat shed fire has to be fought;  that the County thinks a 10 lb fire extinguisher is sufficient to fight such a fire.

We applaud the County firefighters for risking their lives for us. They are heroes in every sense of the word. We sincerely hope that they do not have to save our lives and put their own lives at risk because of such an ill conceived project.

The next posting will take a look at the Fire Codes that apply to this project.  Stay tuned.

Thursday, May 21, 2015


When I started this blog I thought very carefully about whether to allow or not allow comments. I discussed this option with several people and finally came to the conclusion that comments would not be allowed.

Comments require moderating. They open the Blog up to inappropriate language and highlighting issues that should not be considered here.

In the US Telecommunications Act of 1996, the effects of electromagnetic radiation CANNOT be used in fighting the location of a cell tower. There are many readers of this Blog who think this issue will help us win our case. We understand their concerns and appreciate their support. But we cannot let this issue be open for discussion here. Therefore I closed the Blog to all comments to prevent this from happening.

So I was shocked to see a comment from Mr. Aycock using this Blog to promote his cause. Yet another good reason for not permitting comments.

I am leaving the comment up. We have nothing to hide. No tower should be built in such a hazardous location.

I have once again closed the Blog to comments. Will I  be successful? Who knows? -   but if more inappropriate comments are posted, I will be sure to tell you about them.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


The review of the cell tower application included a fire protection review which was summarized in the final staff report as follows:


Applicant: Bayley Products, Inc.
Property Owner: Bayley Products, Inc.
Agent for the Applicant: Kevin Aycock
County Project Coordinator: Deanna Freeman, Principal Planner
Growth Management Director: Nicki van Vonno, AICP (Recused)
Assistant County Administrator: Roger Baltz
Project Number: S242-003
Application Type and Number: D056 201400027
Report Number: Staff Report 3
Application Received: 02/04/2014
Transmitted: 02/14/2014
Staff Report Issued: 05/19/2014
Joint Workshop: 06/05/2014
Resubmittal Received: 10/28/2014
Transmitted: 10/28/2014
Staff Report Issued: 12/29/2014
Resubmittal Received: 01/27/2015
Staff Report Issued: 02/24/2015
LPA Meeting: 03/05/2015
BOCC Meeting: 04/07/2015


P. Determination of compliance with fire prevention and emergency management requirements
Fire Rescue Department Fire Prevention

Findings of Compliance:

The Fire Prevention Bureau finds this submittal to be in compliance with the applicable provisions governing construction and life safety standards. This occupancy shall comply with all applicable
provisions of governing codes whether implied or not in this review, in addition to all previous requirements of prior reviews.

A 10 lb. fire extinuisher[sic] will be required within the gated compound.

Additional Information:

Information #1: Martin County Code of Laws and Ordinances, Section 79.121, adopts NFPA 1 and NFPA 101 as the county's fire prevention code. The Code is to prescribe minimum requirements necessary to establish a reasonable level of fire and life safety and property protection from the hazards created by fire, explosion, and dangerous conditions. This is in accordance with Chapter 633, F.S. All construction, including, but not limited to, fire sprinklers, fire alarms and fire suppression systems, shall be subject to these codes. All documents including specifications and hydraulic calculations are required at the time of the application for a building permit for the property that is the subject of this application for site plan approval.

Information #2: The AHJ shall have the authority to require an access box(es) to be installed in an accessible location where access to or within a structure or area is difficult because of security. [NFPA] Martin County utilizes and requires the Knox access system. You may contact to order the system.

Really? A 10 lb. fire extinguisher, for all that electronic equipment and the backup generator that will be located within the building? What Type of fire extinguisher is effective against a disaster involving flaming gasoline, diesel, and fiberglass boats? An A,B,C or a CO2?

Also where is the "gated compound" that is referenced?  Are the gates of the communities of Yacht and Country Club, or the Mariner Cay which are next door to the Marina being confused for this "gated compound"?

Fire Protections Issues will continue..........


Shortly after the meeting began this morning, the Board of County Commissioners voted to continue the two agenda items concerning Postage Stamp Zoning and Construction of a 120 ft Cell Tower at Sailfish Marine.

The new date for the hearing is now June 23, 2015. Updates to follow.

Please keep checking this blog for more information.

Sunday, May 17, 2015


Human life and safety should be the number one priority when considering the cell tower. The proposed cell tower will be located adjacent to a boat storage building at Sailfish Marina. There is no FALL ZONE around the tower as is required by the tower's design standards. See previous post.

There is no fence around the tower to protect it from the fork lift maneuvering gasoline laden boats around it and having an accident.

The tower will be built in a hurricane area. During a storm, wind borne and/or water borne debris could impact the tower and all or part of the tower could fail. Falling debris from the tower could strike the boat storage shed and the electrical equipment housed inside and ignite the stored boats. They are filled with fuel and the resulting fire would be of staggering proportions.

Remember the previous fire at Sailfish Marina? The noxious fumes, the black smoke that invaded our homes? If not check it out here WPTV News story. The dean of the Chapman School of Seamanship who witnessed the fire thought that if the boat storage shed had gone up it would have been a major disaster.

Martin Fire and Rescue Chief William Schobel stated that the thousands of gallons of fuel, fiberglass which burns at a very high temperature, winds, and poor access to the fire site were all issues in fighting the fire which involved just three boats.

The conditions at the marina have not changed. What would happen if scores of boats in the storage shed should ignite? The catastrophe that was so narrowly avoid last time because the boats were at the water edge, may not be avoided because the ignition source would be the adjacent 120 ft. cell tower and its electrical equipment.

Why is Martin County permitting such a proposal as this to go forward? Why are our lives, the environment, and our homes worth less than a Cell Tower?

Read my next posting on how Martin County reacted to the biofuels fire.

Saturday, May 16, 2015


While not official until the Board of County Commissioners meet on May 19 and they vote on a postponement to their published agenda, it does look like our Postage Stamp Zoning and Cell Tower application will be postponed again.

On May 19, the Martin County staff will recommend to the BOCC that the following two applications be postponed until June 23, 2015. There is a Supplemental Memo notation to the published agenda stating this fact.

BAYLEY PRODUCTS, INC. REZONING This is an application for a proposed mandatory amendment to the County Zoning Atlas for a 640 square foot portion of the property located at 3565 SE St. Lucie Boulevard within the existing Sailfish Marina. The applicant is requesting a rezoning from R-3A to WGC, Waterfront General Commercial to accommodate a proposed telecommunications tower. AGENDA ITEM: 8069360d QUASI JUDICIAL & CONTINUED FROM 4/7/2015 
SUPPLEMENTAL MEMO (request to continue to June 23, 2015)

SAILFISH MARINA STEALTH COMMUNICATIONS TOWER REVISED MASTER/FINAL SITE PLAN This is a request for revised Major Master/Final Site Plan approval to construct a 120 foot tall stealth telecommunications facility at the Sailfish Marina. The property is located at 3565 SE St. Lucie Boulevard, south of Sandsprit Park in eastern Martin County. The proposed stealth monopole and associated telecommunication equipment will be located on land adjacent to an existing storage building and will replace an existing 75 foot tall lattice communications tower. AGENDA ITEM: 8069382e QUASI JUDICIAL CONTINUED FROM 4/7/2015 
SUPPLEMENTAL MEMO (request to continue to June 23, 2015)

The BOCC meeting will be held at 9 A.M. at Martin County Administrative Center, 2401 S.E. Monterey Road, Stuart, FL and is open to the public. You can attend this meeting and voice your opposition to the tower, especially if you will not be present in June. Many people leave during the hurricane season and will not be able to attend the June 23 hearing. You can still be heard!

Also it will be critical that you write each of the Commissioners of your opposition to this zoning change and the construction of the tower. More information and addresses will be in a later posting. The purpose of this post is to quickly get the word out that we are facing another postponement.

Please visit the blog regularly for updates.

Friday, May 15, 2015


In a document dated September 29, 2014 addressed to former Growth Management Principal Planner Deanna Freeman regarding the engineering report for the 120 ft cell tower, DTI clearly states that this tower is designed to have a FALL ZONE OF 100 FEET. However his project design does not include the clearance to meet this design standard.  Martin County, by permitting the application to move forward, seems to think this is acceptable.


According to Martin County Codes Division 18 which deals with telecommunications towers, a STEALTH tower is the only tower permitted in vulnerable and environmentally sensitive areas. See blog post Is this a Stealth tower? published on 3/23/15.

Stealth is only a cosmetic feature, it is about aesthetics. Unfortunately Martin County conflates stealth with safety. In some cases stealth installations do not present a hazard to public safety.  A small installation disguised as a cactus would not be a hazard to public safety if it should fall. 

Large facilities by their very nature present a hazard.  If they fall, they can hurt people, destroy property, and cause a tremendous amount of damage. Large facilities require a fall zone, even if they are stealth such as the 120 ft tree at Sugar Hill in Jensen Beach.

If this 120 ft tower is permitted to be labeled Stealth the critical safety features of setbacks and fall zones will be ignored.

MC Code 4.798.B Tower separations and fall zones states that a tower shall have a minimum setback that is relative to its height. From a residential area zoning district (such as the Yacht and Country Club and Mariner Cay) that distance is equal to 400 % of the tower height. And fall zone means the calculated area of the land surrounding a tower or any of its attachments which may be affected by debris should the tower structure collapse.

However MCC 798.C states that the above requirements shall not apply to a stealth tower. So in the project design there is no setback, no fall zone, and the tower is set next to a boat storage building. This building, which pre-dates 1971, stores scores of boats filled with gasoline. A fork lift goes in and out of the building all the time carrying boat with a gasoline engine, so if this proposal goes forward the fork lift driver must maneuver around a steel tower base with a precariously balanced boat to enter the storage shed.

We do not understand why Martin County is permitting this application to go forward.  DTI clearly states that this tower is designed to have a FALL ZONE OF 100 FEET and given the circumstances at the marina, the fall zone should be exactly as stated in the MCC and be 480 feet.

Why is Martin County so keen to ignore this very important safety feature?


Thursday, May 14, 2015


The KC Ingram Show on WSTU AM 1450 Martin County's Heritage Radio Station devoted the 5:00 to 5:30 PM time slot on Tuesday, May 12 to the Coalition to Preserve and Protect Our Neighborhood which is fighting the Cell Tower.

You can hear (and see) the group discuss the issues of postage stamp zoning, the definition of what constitutes a stealth tower, safety concerns, and alternative solutions to a 120 ft cell tower at this link radio show discussion.

And stay listening to the second half of the broadcast which is on All Aboard FL.

A huge thank you to KC Ingram for inviting us to participate on air and get the message out to many more people in Martin County than the few residents around the tower who had to be notified because of the proposed zoning change. Just because the Cell Tower is not in your backyard, does not mean you will be not be affected if it is approved because:

Postage Stamp Zoning is a bad idea to allow to go forward in Martin County. Your neighbor could use it to develop property that is outside the character of your neighborhood.

Dynamic Towers stated vision for Martin County is to build one of these 120 ft Cell Towers every mile and a half throughout the county. So you too could be fighting one of these towers near your home soon.

There is the potential for a disaster of staggering proportion especially during a hurricane when the Tower fails and some part of it falls on to and ignites the adjacent boat storage shed with scores of fiberglass boats filled with gasoline. The fireball and toxic smoke will be visible for miles. The run off from the fire will be hazardous and will pollute the Manatee Pocket. Sailfish Marina is not an appropriate location for a 120 ft. tower.

The destruction of the peace and viewshed of Manatee Pocket (one of those special places in Martin County) is everyone's concern.

How many more reasons does the County need before they realize that this Cell Tower is the wrong development for such a sensitive area?

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Click on this link for a Power Point Presentation on Postage Stamp Zoning and what it could mean in your neighborhood.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


As anticipated, the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) approved Mr. Aycock's request for a continuance to his application for re-zoning Sailfish Marina as well as the proposal to construct a 120 Ft cell tower at the site.

The decision to accept a request for continuation resides with the BOCC. The items remained on the agenda for today's meeting which is posted on the Martin County website. Despite receiving a copy of Mr. Aycock's letter for a continuation, all of the Intervenors attended the opening of the meeting until there was a vote on the agenda. The Commissioners adopted a revised agenda and agreed to the continuation until May 19th.

Numerous members of the public who did not know that a continuation was even a possibility attended the meeting. They put statements on record that they opposed the "postage stamp" rezoning of Sailfish Marina. They opposed the construction of a 120 ft tower in the middle of a residential neighborhood. Several spoke on the devastating effect on property values if the cell tower goes through.

Mr. Aycock also attended the meeting and hopefully listened to the concerns of these speakers.

I will continue to post IMPORTANT information on this blog. It is our best tool for communication. Please visit it regularly for updates.


Friday, April 3, 2015


Mr. Aycock has requested a continuation for his proposal to erect a 120 Ft cell tower at Sailfish Marina.

He requests that the public hearing scheduled for April 7, 2015 be continued until May 19th.

Stay tuned here.

I will keep adding new information and I will keep you informed of any developments.

To all of our supporters PLEASE DO NOT BECOME COMPLACENT.

Keep circulating the petition. Write the Board of County Commissioners to tell them to vote this proposal down.

We must not let this intrusion into our life go unchallenged!

Saturday, March 28, 2015


We must be making progress because "Tower Builder" Mr. Aycock of DTI does not want you to know about his Towering Proposal for Sailfish Marina.

In the great American tradition, we made up bright yellow signs saying STOP THE 120 FT CELL TOWER AT SAILFISH MARINA to put out to inform the public of this project.

Mr. Aycock sent us the following message which we did not receive until after our experience with the "code enforcement" (below).

I was curious as to see if you pulled a sign permit for the misinformed signage?
Code enforcement and growth management know nothing about giving you sign approvals for use of county right of way property. They are sending a code enforcement officer out to investigate the illegal signes placed in the county right of way.  FYI
Thank You,
Kevin T. Aycock
Dynamic Towers Inc.
772-370-9819 Mobile

I cannot speak to where all the signs were placed. Many people are volunteering their time to fight this project so we have lots of help. 

But I can tell you about the 2 signs that were on private property, one on Mariner Cay property and one on Yacht and County Club property. We were exiting the YCC back gate when a car pulled up and someone TRESPASSED on YCC property and removed the sign. That is theft. That is a criminal offense.

The car then went to the Mariner Cay entrance for their sign but when we followed and blew our horn to stop them to ask them for our sign, the car took off and went down to Sandsprit Park. We followed it and finally got to where the two cars could stop and talk.

We asked for our sign back. We were told they were illegal because they were on county property. We asked for the driver's name which he gave us as Dylan Trevor. He said his uncle worked for the City and told him to go pick up the signs.  We asked for the name of his uncle. He refused to give us the name. 

We asked the driver why he was only picking up our signs. He said was going to go back and get the others  --   all the signs about Easter Services, cheap stump grinding, Yard Sale, "I buy houses for cash" -- he passed them all and targeted only our Cell Tower signs.

It appears that Code Enforcement has unmarked cars that are out on the job within minutes of a question about sign permits by Mr. Aycock to removed the offending signs. 

What we think we have is someone driving a personal vehicle (a black Kia Optima with FL license plate BBQ G82) whose driver is impersonating a code enforcement officer, who refused to give us the name of the authorizing official in Code Enforcement who told him to remove the signs.  That is a criminal offense.

And does Code Enforcement have the authority to come on to PRIVATE PROPERTY and take signs? 

What is so threatening about the information on those signs that neither the County nor "Tower Builder" Mr. Aycock wants you to know about?

Tuesday, March 24, 2015



Click here to be directed to The Petition 


The Tower will negatively affect the welfare of all our neighborhood residents. It will generate noise and light pollution and be a blight on our viewshed. Maintenance crews and possibly cranes, generators, and lights will come into Sailfish Marina at will.

This Tower would be a distraction, a disruption to the quality of our lives, and deprive us of the right to the quiet enjoyment of our homes.

It is a hazard to aircraft. Many homes are in the debris field if a plane hits the Tower.

 Real estate values will be adversely affected. No one wants to buy a house that looks at a 120 ft Tower. Home values lower between 4-38% (depending on circumstances) when a cell tower is in the neighborhood.


No independent study says we need a cell tower here.

 Residents find that with newer phones and towers recently built at Sailfish Point and Cove Road there is no gap in service.

Small cells are commonly used in residential neighborhoods to increase wireless capacity. They are installed on rooftops and utility poles. They to not intrude on the character of a neighborhood. Technology has improved so that structures can be smaller. This proposal is for a dinosaur.


Sailfish Marina is zoned R-3A liberal multi-family, an old designation, and must be changed when development is proposed. Bayley Products, Inc. requested rezoning a 640 sq. ft. portion of the marina, which they called a "postage stamp", to Waterfront General Commercial (WGC) in order to proceed with Tower construction.

Sailfish Marina could use this same "postage stamp" zoning technique to gradually rezone other portions of the marina to WGC, none of which would have to conform to county zoning and development regulations for WGC.  After the Tower what will they construct next? Postage stamp zoning of Sailfish Marina was approved unanimously by the MC LPA on March 5, 2015.


 DTI is a construction company which builds cell towers. They are not in the telecommunications business. 

Bayley Products, Inc is in the marine business serving sport fishermen, boaters, and tourists. They are not in the telecommunications business.

Sailfish Marina will certainly benefit from the spot zoning that enables them to build the Tower in that zone. 
They can use it again and again to build restaurants and bars without having to notify the neighbors and comply with WGC regulations.

The Tower will benefit both owners who will make substantial financial gains from the construction of and renting out the Tower space.


Across the US, residents are fighting these "Tower Builders" who intrude into residential neighborhoods for profit and erect these massive towers against the wishes of the local residents. 

We are not rejecting wireless communications. Many less intrusive options exist.  We are rejecting this particular structure to house the communications equipment that no one has proven we need.

Protect our safety, peace, property values, and quality of life. Tell the Board of County Commissioners that you do not support this 120 ft. tower in our residential neighborhood. Here is the petition at that will enable you let the Martin County Board of Commissioners know you do not want a 120 ft. Telecommunications Tower in our neighborhood.

The Mariner Cay, Yacht and Country Club of Stuart, and Rocky Point residential neighborhoods will be severely impacted by an obtrusive, looming 120 ft telecommunications tower. Better to have small cells installed on rooftops and utility poles to increase wireless capacity. This tower would be a hazard to public safety, a disruption to the quality of our lives, and deprive us of the right to the quiet enjoyment of our homes.

That's why I created a petition to Ed Fielding, Commissioner, Anne Scott, Commissioner, Sarah Heard, Commissioner, John Haddox, Commissioner, and Doug Smith, Commissioner, which says:

"A 120 Ft monopole telecommunications tower is planned for a residential neighborhood in Stuart, FL. at Sailfish Marina on the Manatee Pocket." 

Will you sign the petition? Click here to add your name: 



Monday, March 23, 2015


Sec.4.796.B of the Martin County Codes states that
Towers and structure-mounted WTCFs within the following areas shall be STEALTH facilities:
Traffic circles.
Barrier islands (Hutchinson Island, Jupiter Island or Long Island).
Areas lying within 3,000 feet from the mean high water line of the Atlantic Ocean or within 2,500 feet from the Intracoastal Waterway, the St. Lucie River, Loxahatchee River, Indian River.
Lands designated commercial office/residential, commercial waterfront, institutional-recreation, institutional conservation on the future land use map.
Lands designated for residential use on the future land use map.
The hurricane evacuation zone for a Category 2 hurricane, as defined in Chapter 8, the Coastal Management Element, of the Comprehensive Growth Management Plan.

The Sailfish Marina neighborhood meets several of these criteria.

The Glossary for Sec. 4.792 states a
Stealth facility means any tower or WTCF which is designed to blend into the surrounding environment to the extent that an average person would be unaware of its presence as a tower or WTCF.

You be the judge. Does this tower meet that definition to you?

Saturday, March 14, 2015


Let me be clear

We are not against better wireless communications.

We are against Martin County circumventing their own procedures for tower location by not evaluating co-location of services on existing towers and utility poles as required by Sec. 4.795

By approving DTI's proposal MCLPA went directly to the lowest desirable option, priority 4, location and approval of the construction of a 120 foot tower in the middle of a residential neighborhood zoned R-3A.

We are against Martin County circumventing their own zoning procedures to rezone a small area within Sailfish Marina to Waterfront General Commercial and then stating that the rules that apply to this zone will be different from the rules that apply to Sailfish Marina.  This creates a situation where it is not clear what rules apply anywhere within the parcel and in the Marina.

DTI did not submit simulation photographs of the tower that comply with Martin County requirements to show the impact of the tower on nearest neighbors per Sec. 794.B (subject of a future post).

If you feel that you would like to tell the Martin County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) that you too are opposed to this action please link to the letter, print it out and send it to your representatives or tell them your opinion by email.

Following is a sample letter to the BOCC (link to pdf)

Martin County
Board of County Commissioners
2401 S.E. Monterey Road
Stuart, FL 34996

Dear Martin County Commissioners

I am writing to you to protest the proposal to re-zone a portion of the Sailfish Marina, at 3565 SE St. Lucie Blvd, Stuart, FL and the construction of a 120 foot high wireless communications tower at this site on the Manatee Pocket.

As someone who enjoys the beauty of the St. Lucie River and the Manatee Pocket,  I  believe that the applicant’s use of “postage stamp” or “island” re-zoning improperly circumvents standards set forth in the Land Development Regulations, including  no consideration of alternative telecommunication sites, as required by Martin County LDR Site Development Standards, Division 18, Section 4.795.

Residents within view of the proposed tower anticipate several adverse impacts from a structure that is 60% taller than the existing tower, 50% wider, and solid white, instead of a neutral open lattice. These impacts  include: 1) greater vibration, noise pollution, and light pollution, 2) increased RF emissions with unknown health implications, and 3) glaring strobe or other night lighting from potential FAA/FCC rulings. They will seriously affect the quality of life in our neighborhoods and will reduce our property values.

I urge the Board of County Commissioners to reject the March 5, 2015 recommendation of the Local Planning Agency, and vote to deny the request for a zoning change ( D003-20140026) and tower construction permit (D056-201400027).





Email address of your Board of County Commissioners


FAA Review Practices and Standards

FAA JO 7400.2K has a number of requirements for the performance of their reviews. Section 5-2-2 a. states that “Obstruction Evaluation Group (OEG) personnel must administer aeronautical studies with the coordinated assistance of Airports, Technical Operations Services, Frequency Management, Flight Standards, Flight Procedures Team, Department of Defense (DOD) and Department of Homeland Security Representatives”. All of these organizations were “coordinated” in less than a week.   This is quite an impressive array of Federal agencies to respond  in such a timely fashion.

Section 6-2-2  requires that a completeness review of the submission must be done before the review starts. Exceptions may be made for emergency situations, but it is not clear whether an upcoming county planning agency meeting would qualify as an “emergency”.

Section 6-2-3 discusses the coordination of the work among the various Divisions that are involved, and it exempts several organizations from certain reviews of temporary structures or from non-substantive changes, but it is not clear how this tower could benefit from any of the exemptions.

Section 6-3 discusses the various types of adverse effects that could result from construction of Hazards to Navigation, and how they can be evaluated and mitigated.  The list of hazards is quite extensive, as is the list of possible mitigation actions. The FAA was able to complete this review in less than one week, rather than the 2 months that would normally be scheduled.

Chapter 7 discusses the procedure for making the determination itself.  Section 7-1-1 states that “All known aeronautical facts revealed during the obstruction evaluation must be considered when issuing an official FAA determination. The determination must be a composite of all comments and findings received from interested FAA offices.  …”  Again quite a bit of work to do in one week.

Section 7-1-4 describes the content and options for issuing a Determination. The letter is required to include a full description of the structure, its location and height, and whether marking and/or lighting is recommended. Additional language relating to optional lighting is also discussed, as is the expiration date of the recommendation and the need for a supplemental notice to report start and completion of construction. 

Section 7-1-7 a.5. also says that "Copies of the determination must always [emphasis added] be accompanied by a copy of the submitted map and, if applicable, a copy of the surveys."  The FAA did include a map as page 4 of the original determination, but did not include it in the second Determination, which was only 3 pages long.  Perhaps they thought that the first map was sufficient. If so, then this Determination is relying on the first one and therefore the Determination is deficient.

There is also an important note that if construction cranes will be needed and they are higher than the facility that is proposed, an additional FAA Determination letter will be needed to address the construction cranes.  So, if DTI gets permission to construct this tower, we can expect to see yet another huge structure looking over our back yards, with flashing red lights to warn away the airplanes.  For as long as it takes to build the tower, and then, when some maintenance issue arises, to fix it

Lingering questions

Given the quick turnaround that the FAA provided to DTI, we wonder whether the FAA actually did a second, independent review of the hazards for the second tower site, or whether it just used the results from the first site. FAA guidance specifically does not allow this.  

Section 7-3-2 of 7400.2K discusses corrections to a determination, and says "…   Editorial changes that do not involve a coordinate change (of one second or more in latitude or longitude) or elevation change (of one foot or more) may be issued as corrections. In this case, no change to dates could be necessary.  Adjustments or corrections to a proposal that involve one or both of the above coordinate or elevation changes must be addressed as a new and separate obstruction evaluation study."

It is clear from this guidance that the FAA policy does not allow evaluations to be re-used if they exceed this criteria.  They are too site-specific and the results could be very sensitive to small changes. Unfortunately for DTI, the second tower site is 100 yards away from the first – much more than one second of arc.  Therefore, the FAA should NOT have used the results of the first study to approve the second.   

Curiously, the Determination of No Hazard that was issued for the second tower references the study done for the first tower (see the upper right corner where is says  “Aeronautical Study No. 2014-ASO-14040-OE, Prior Study No. 2013-ASO-1479-OE”).  Why would the FAA include this reference to the prior study if it performed a “new and separate obstruction evaluation study”?  Are they following their own procedures, or do they do favors for telecommunications tower construction companies?  

It must have been very tempting for a reviewer to use the simple Notice Criteria screening tool and see that the locations are only one foot apart, so it should not really matter. If you don’t read the actual application and carefully consider what you are told, it could be an easy mistake to make, especially under pressure from a frequent client in a difficult situation.

If you are the bureaucrat, you can say that it doesn’t really matter, because we can fix this later. We will just wait until they put up the tower, then go out and inspect it (required by their own procedure), and then if we really think it is a hazard, we can make them put a few lights on it.

This is fine for the FAA, but to the neighbors, it will be a nightmare. One that can come to life at any time, triggered by something as simple as a student pilot flying out of Martin County Witham Airport who gets lost during his first solo flight at night.  He gets lost, loses altitude, and has a heart-pounding close encounter with a tower that doesn’t have any lights on it (because the neighbors don’t want it lit up with flashing strobe or red lights into their bedrooms). The new pilot files a report of the near collision with the FAA, who orders a new aeronautical study, and decides that lights are necessary. What happens then?

On March 6, 2105, the intervenors filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request pertaining to the telecommunications tower at Sailfish Marina. It will be interesting to see what documentation the FAA releases, in response to our FOIA request that relates to these two Determination letters. 

We will be looking closely to see how the FAA coordinator presented the case to DOD and Homeland Security and what comments they provided back to him/her, as well as all the other parts of the FAA that should have been involved in this application.