Wednesday, September 9, 2015


September 22, 2015 that was our date. We thought we would finally be able to present our case to the BOCC in a logical and thoughtful manner. Then a message. We were led to believe that the County Staff were going to propose another postponement of the Postage Stamp Zoning and construction of a Cell Tower at Sailfish Marina "in order to get it right". Mr. Aycock had already agreed to the postponement.

Now we are understand that it is Mr. Aycock who is requesting the postponement. According to Martin County's own regulations he has used up his allotted postponements. So what is the problem?

Is a postponement even on the table?

A new tactic is unfolding. We are being told that maybe Mr. Aycock can build the tower without changing the zoning and without a hearing if they just replace the existing tower by getting a building permit. Is this not where we started? Why has the County changed course about requiring a zoning change and a hearing? Other cell tower proposals get to be heard. In fact just last month an existing lattice cell tower went through a mandatory rezoning (spot zoning by the way) in order for it to be replaced. What is the difference? What is going on here? We just don't understand. There are regulations and guidances for all of these procedures but we only seem to get attempts to work around them.

But it gets better. Mr. Aycock's certified Professional Engineer stated and stamped on the application to Martin County that the existing tower is 75/80 feet tall.  But fortunately for Mr. Aycock, the existing tower is really 120 feet tall. How good is that? He can build a 120 feet monopole replacement tower by just getting a building permit. I hope Mr. Aycock gets all the money he spent on those engineering studies, plans, simulated photos, and drawings back from that certified Professional Engineer who was off by 40/45 feet on the height of the tower.

And will the County be held responsible for refunding the application fees to Mr. Aycock as well? If he did not need the rezoning and construction hearing, shouldn't he be reimbursed? And reimburse him for all his lawyers?

What has changed? What information do they want to keep back from the citizens of Martin County by stopping the public hearing on September 22, 2015? What information is pending that they do not want to see televised to the entire County?

Please plan to attend the hearing whether the rezoning and cell tower is up for postponement or not. Each member of the public is permitted to speak before the BOCC for 3 minutes at the start of the meeting. Ask why you are not being given a public hearing about this matter. Express your concerns about this whole process. Whatever happened to Government in the Sunshine?

The BOCC meeting starts at 9 AM on September 22, 2015
The hearing room is on the ground floor of the
Martin County Administrative Offices which is next to Blake Library
2401 SE Monterey Road
Stuart, FL 34996

We are looking into hiring a bus to bring people to the hearing. Stay tuned.

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