Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Most of my neighbors are astonished to hear that a 120 foot wireless communications tower has been approved by the Local Planning Agency for the Manatee Pocket and one that will be in view of all of their homes and for 13.65 miles (see previous post for calculation).

When they are told that property values decrease ( when a cell tower is built in a residential neighborhood, their dismay is evident and the first question is WHY DON'T I KNOW ABOUT THIS?

The answer to that question is because the notification process for the construction of a cell tower is inadequate.

In order to approve the construction site for this tower, a part of a parcel of land at Sailfish Marina was rezoned. If you lived within 300 ft. of the boundary of this parcel, you received a notice for the proposed rezoning and the construction of the 120 ft. tower. If your property did not meet this criteria, you probably do not know what is planned in your neighborhood.

The neighbors close to the tower and across the Manatee Pocket will suffer noise pollution, light pollution, and detrimental health effects from electromagnetic radiation.

The World Health Organization classified cell tower radiation which is RF-EMF as a possible human carcinogen ( in 2011 due to research showing increased brain cancer in those with highest cumulative exposure. Scientists are calling for “more research” to understand the long term effect of daily exposure to cell tower microwave radiation.
RF radiation hazards from transmitting antennas can cause thermal and non-thermal and cognitive/psychological injuries. (  Many doctors feel current US exposure standards are inadequate.

In addition, a 2012 GAO Report (GAO-12-771) ( recommended that the FCC update their current RF standards. The recent FCC submissions document Doctor’s statements that current US exposure standards are thousands of times too high to protect human health. Therefore, even if cell tower radiation regulations are met there could be a serious risk to health.

It is important to note that the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (section 704) ( states that siting of a cell tower cannot be regulated for environmental effects of radio frequency emissions. The public perception that these effects are a health concern contributes to the devaluation of property and regulation based on property devaluation is permitted.

Not just the neighbors adjacent to Sailfish Marina will feel a decrease in their property values but Rocky Point and Sewall's Point will all feel the effects by having impaired views by a massive tower or hearing electrical running all night at the water front.

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